About us
We are comprised of two great coaches and a handful high school students from our local area.
Our team, ASAP, was founded in 2022 when Seth (the unofficial team captain) moved to southern Alberta and learned that there were no robotics teams in the area for him to join. So, after some recruiting, and with his parents as the coaches, ASAP was born.
Roles: Main Driver master, builder, & Coder.
Fun fact: Likes to invest in the stock market.
Roles: Human Player & emotional support.
Fun fact: Can wiggle his ears.
Roles: Team Strategist & friend maker.
Fun fact: Hoop dance world champion.
Roles: Team Designer & Social Media Expert.
Fun fact: Addicted to frank’s redhot hot sauce.
Roles: 3D printing Design, Code, & Build Team.
Fun fact: Got #55999 on the dinosaur game.
Roles: Digital Design Driver & Build Team.
Fun fact: Citizen of super earth, for democracy!
Roles: Programmer & Design Team.
Fun fact: Is a master at putting linux on chromebooks.
Roles: Fundraising & Outreach.
Fun fact: Super good at p5.js.
Mike & Katie
Our coaches (Definitely the best in the league, and possibly in the World). They provide adult supervision and help keep us on track. They are Seth's parents, and helped found the team.
Wheelz, our robot:
This year's robot, Weelz (2024 - 2025)
What is this year's game?
Our first year's game, POWERPLAY:
Last year's game, CENTERSTAGE: